Sunday, November 27, 2005


We're back home from a four-day Thanksgiving tour that included visits to three different households in three states. My dear husband is a tremendously nice guy and did almost all the driving, which meant that I got a fair amount of knitting done in the passenger seat. But... I can't tell you what I'm working on because it's that time of year: time for holiday gift knitting! So, if you look at my various projects and think that they're going awfully slowly these days, it's because there are other things going on that will become clear in the fullness of time. I did fit in a few more inches' worth of knitting on the second rainbow sock and cast on for the Rock Creek socks. So much for my resolve.

Because Oliver is so nice, I let him borrow my Ravenclaw scarf while we were away - he was cold and sniffly, and I could use the Flower Basket shawl as a sort of scarf. He loved it so much that he's asked for his own, though maybe not a House Scarf and maybe in different colors. Back to the Tunnel of Stockinette I go!


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