Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Happy Socktober! I hereby resolve to finish at least one of my three pairs of socks-in-progress by the end of the month. In fact, yesterday I picked up the Rock & Weave socks and figured out how to fix them, which merely involves ripping back one finished toe and reknitting both, so I'm hopeful that those will be done soon. Then it's on to the Pink Socks, the first of which is at the heel, and the Grape Koigu Upside-Down Monkey Socks, which are only a few inches long at the moment. (I started them about two weeks before giving birth, so I've been a little too distracted to memorize the pattern.)

Julian's sweater is nearly finished - I just have to weave in the ends and redo the bind-off on the cuffs a little more loosely. I tried it on him this morning and it is Beyond Cute, so there will be photos soon!

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