All sorts of things are going on over here! Saturday morning I went to the hardware store and bought gardening supplies, with which I came home and started the garden, seen here. OK, it doesn't look like much at the moment, but I promise that there are sunflower, rudbeckia, shasta daisy, zinnia, four o'clock, and columbine seeds in there, and if we're really lucky, in a few weeks they'll turn into seedlings, and then someday, rumor has it that temperatures will stay above freezing at night and I'll plant them in the yard. We'll see.
After all the planting, I made cookies, pruned the saplings in the back yard (with
these, which rule), and cleaned off the back porch. And then? I knit. I knit at Borders all afternoon, and then at
Jenifer's all evening. I met
several new people, all super-cool, and generally had a really good time.
When I started writing this post last night, I was dissatisfied with all of my knitting: everything seemed to need finishing, or ripping, or something. I'm happy to report that it's all better today. I seamed the first blue-star cuff and started its twin. The Bearfoot sock had somehow ended up with one fewer pattern repeat on the leg than the first sock, so I ripped it back to the ankle and re-knit, and I feel good about it. I even knit several rows on the Bonny sweater, and after much pattern insecurity and measuring, I think it's going to be okay. All of my mindless knitting is back to being mindless and is ready to take on the bus tomorrow. Whew!